Obiect extraterestru de vanzare

EBay ne oferă zilnic subiecte de dicuţie. Cel mai recent obiect care ne-a atras atenţia este un obiect despre care vânzătorul susţine că este de origine extraterestră ţi se comportă ciudat (bruiază aparatul TV, etc). Am fi trecut repede peste această licitaţie dacă nu am fi remarcat că vânzătorul are foarte multe caracterizări pozitive în urma tranzacţiilor precedente la care a participat. Prin urmare, ar putea vorbi serios???

I don’t know how it works but it seemed to respond to touch and many times only my mere presence near would illuminate the device? Weird? When I place it down It would turn off or it would turn off if I touched it again. But now it is constantly off and has been this way for about 1 week. If near my television(about 6-8 inches from the tube) it will distort the picture with alot of weird colors! ??? ( I am not responsible for any type of damage that may occur should you try this on your TV or any other device) I don’t know? The black material does not seem to be metal but it does seem to have 7 metal shapes embeaded into it’s front. I also see a circular silver disc which also appears to be metal. On the back is a gold looking disc that has shapes and colored stones placed in it like jewels. When it did light up, it seems to come from the four crystal clear stones and pulsated when I touch almost any part of the device. It is also giving off an magnetic field attracting screw drivers and other metal objects. Like I said before I don’t know if this device is complete or if it accomendates something else. But on the back it has grooves that may indicate that it attaches to something else. The device measures 2 1/4″ X 4 1/4″X 1 1/2″. That’s about all that I know about this device

As I said before I am unable to make it light-up anymore.

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