Fierul de calcat cu picioare

Oliso a anuþat lansarea pe piaþã a fierului de cãlcat cu picioare! Preºedintele companiei Oliso, Ehsan Alipour a declarat în comunicatul de presã: „Suntem foarte bucuroºi sã vedem lansat primul nostru produs. Credem cã inovaþia noastrã va redefini experienþa de a cãlca.

Tehnologia Touch&Glide eliminã aºezarea firului de cãlcat în poziþie verticalã în pauzele necesare modificãrii poziþiei obiectului care urmeazã sã fie cãlcat.

Mânerul fierului de cãlcat este sensibil la atingere ºi astfel se activeazã automat ridicarea fierului de cãlcat pe 2 suporþi atunci când nu mai þineþi mâna pe mâner. Prin urmare gata cu mochetele arse de fierul de cãlcat atunci când rãspundeþi grãbit(ã) la telefon.

ªi acum, dacã aveþi curaj, povestiþi nevestei despre aceastã invenþie.


Oliso, Inc., announced the release of its Touch&Glide(TM) iron. Oliso CEO, Ehsan Alipour, said, „We are very excited to see the rollout of our first product. I think our innovation will redefine the experience of ironing.â€

The Touch&Glide(TM) iron uses patented technologies that virtually eliminate the need to lift an iron or set it up on its unstable end. The iron’s touch-sensitive handle activates its AutoLift(TM) system, automatically lifting the iron off of the fabric when the handle is released. It lowers itself onto the fabric or an ironing board whenever you touch its handle.

The Touch&Glide(TM) is perhaps the most significant innovation in irons since the introduction of steam. It began as a Stanford University graduate school project with most early prototypes built in a basement of a San Francisco Mission Street building.

Now, go and tell to your wife!

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