Astazi scriitorul englez H.G. Wells este omul zilei. Herbert George Wells s-a nascut pe data de 21 septembrie 1866 si este cunoscut mai ales pentru lucrarea Omul invizibil (carte publicata in 1897).

H.G. Wells a murit pe data de 13 August 1946 lasand in urma o colectie impresionanta de lucrari (puteti parcurge titlurile in engleza la sfarsitul acestui articol).
Mai jos aveti un material rar, un interviu audio H.G. Wells cu H.G. Wells
Secventa din Omul Invizibil.
Biografie H.G. Wells
* The Time Machine (1895)*
* The Wonderful Visit (1895)
* The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896)*
* The Wheels of Chance (1896)*
* The Invisible Man (1897)*
* The War of the Worlds (1898)*
* When the Sleeper Wakes (1899)*
* Love and Mr Lewisham (1900)*
* The First Men in the Moon (1901)*
* The Sea Lady (1902)
* The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (1904)*
* Kipps (1905)
* A Modern Utopia (1905)*
* In the Days of the Comet (1906)*
* The War in the Air (1908)*
* Tono-Bungay (1909)*
* Ann Veronica (1909)*
* The History of Mr Polly (1910)*
* The Sleeper Awakes (1910)* – revised edition of When the Sleeper Awakes (1899)
* The New Machiavelli (1911)*
* Marriage (1912)
* The Passionate Friends (1913)
* The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman (1914)
* The World Set Free (1914)*
* Bealby: A Holiday (1915)
* The Research Magnificent (1915)*
* Mr Britling Sees it Through (1916)*
* The Soul of a Bishop (1917)*
* Joan and Peter: A Story of an Education (1918)
* The Undying Fire (1919)
* The Secret Places of the Heart (1922)*
* Men Like Gods (1923)
* The Dream (1924)
* Christina Alberta’s Father (1925)
* The World of William Clissold (1926)
* Meanwhile (1927)
* Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island (1928)
* The King Who Was a King (1929)
* The Autocracy of Mr Parham (1930)
* The Bulpington of Blup (1932)
* The Shape of Things to Come (1933)
* The Croquet Player (1936)
* Brynhild (1937)
* Star Begotten (1937)
* The Camford Visitation (1937)
* Apropos of Dolores (1938)
* The Brothers (1938)
* The Holy Terror (1939)
* Babes in the Darkling Wood (1940)
* All Aboard for Ararat (1940)
* You Can’t Be Too Careful (1941)