You decide to open an online business. To run your business you need a place, and on the Internet the place name is website. To open a website you need a name (web address) and web hosting for your site.
To get the name it is really simple. You go to a registrar and see if the suitable name for your website is free.
If you have luck and find it available just pay it and forget about it till next year when you must renew (and pay again the fee).
The webhosting issue is different. You need a reliable web hosting provider because there are so many providers and it is so hard to find a good one. At the first glance almost all providers offer the same (more or less). But there it is a catch: the most important line is up-time ratio.
If your site will be more unavailable than up your business is ruined. But how can you choose a good website hosting provider in thousands of offers? Try them all important ones? No way! Too much time consuming and, most important, you should spend a lot of cash. Better than try yourself it is to go and find a web hosting guide and learn from other user experience.
You can ask about a web hosting provider and read comments about them. The client support is important also because even the best providers have problems sometimes (script incompatibilities, wrong or inappropriate settings, so on). It those situations the client support is vital to solve the issues.
So, our advice is: learn before buy.
Spend some time to read reviews about the chosen webhosting and you will save a lot of money. Search for promotion and webhosting coupons but don’t choose the webhosting by money level. Less money will pay more trouble you will get.
Also, it is good idea to have a forecast of your future traffic. All we want thousands of visitors each day but we should be realistic. You don’t afford to buy a big package if your website is just at beginning.