Daca primesti un email cu subiectul: „Your internet access is going to get suspended” nu te lasa pacalit! Nu deschide fisierul zip atasat! Este un virus. Sterge email-ul imediat.
Your internet access is going to get suspended
The Internet Service Provider Consorcium was made to protect the rights of software authors, artists.
We conduct regular wiretapping on our networks, to monitor criminal acts.
We are aware of your illegal activities on the internet wich were originating from
You can check the report of your activities in the past 6 month that we have attached. We strongly advise you to stop your activities regarding the illegal downloading of copyrighted material of your internet access will be suspended.
ICS Monitoring Team
Ai scapat si de aceasta data dar nu uita ca pirateria nu iti opreste internetul dar te poate costa ceva amenzi 😀