OK, pcnews.ro e un site IT dar nu puteam trece aºa pur ºi simplu peste motorul revoluþionar care tocmai a fost patentat. „Axial Vector Engine” are 12 cilindri, 6 pistoane. Arborele este amplasat în mijloc înconjurat de cilindri ºi pistoane. În comparaþie cu motoarele cu combustie avantajele Axial Vector Engine sunt importante: are cu 80% mai puþine pãrþi în miºcare aºa cã forþele de frecare sunt mult mai mici, iar cãldura degajatã este redusã. În plus motorul este cu 50% mai mic decât unul actual de putere similarã.
Axial Vector(TM) Engine Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: AXVC – News) announced today it has filed a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The application is titled „Barrel-Type Internal Combustion Engine.” The invention relates to an internal combustion engine that converts combustion energy into rotational energy without the use of a traditional crankshaft. The engine is lighter weight, has less moving parts and develops more low RPM torque than traditional engines. These innovative engines will be suitable replacements for existing engines in a number of industrial categories.
The engine has been designed to incorporate modern materials and technology such as piezoelectric-driven intake and exhaust valves, piezoelectric fuel injection, oil cooling only (no radiator), elimination of piston rings, self-starting capability (no conventional starter), ceramic cylinder sleeves, plasma ignition, multi-fuel operation, and more.
„The fundamental economic conditions that existed since the development of the internal combustion engine over 100 years ago no longer exist. In today’s world of high fuel and oil costs, energy efficiency, weight and space are the only things that count. This patent will protect our intellectual property and build value for our shareholders,” commented Dr. Raymond Brouzes, President of Axial Vector Engine Corporation.