Cnd te uii la telefoanele din imagine te ntrebi dac chiar sunt fcute din branza, paiete sau ventuze? Adevrul este c Toshiba a demonstrat mult imaginaie i a prezentat 12 carcase mai mult dect ciudate pentru telefonul lor V501T. Carcasele sunt realizate totui din plastic dar cele 12 texturi sunt destul de realiste. i unde mai pui c telefonul cu ventuze chiar poate fi lipit de diverse obiecte…

When you looking at this pictures probably you ask yourself if this phones are made by cheese, spangle or air-escape valve…
The true is that: Toshiba present (with much imagination) strange 12 cellphone case for its V501T cellphone line. However these cellphone case are made from plastic but looking very real.
Plus the phone with air-escape valve case can be sticked on various objects.